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WWE Monday Night Raw: 3/7/2022

credit from: CBS Sport

Two more weeks until WrestleMania! Which means two more weeks of buildup to the show on the Raw side, and it really does seems as if they’re really going above and beyond to make this WrestleMania as “monumental” and as “stupendous” as the ads have been promoting it. But what sort of crazy ideas does the WWE have apart from what has been already announced? Well, we’ll be finding that out! But first, the rest of the show; which opened with…

Match 1: Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Match; Alpha Academy (c) vs RK-Bro vs Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins. (Rating:5/5)

Bar none this was the best match of the night! Yet again, three of the best tag teams that the WWE has to offer went out there and not only tore the house down but they stole the show with no other match on the card even coming close to the level of amazingness, nor were any other moments on this show were as breathtaking as this match. Otis, Gable, Riddle, Orton, Owens and Rollins gave it their absolute all to find out who’d be heading to the show of shows as the tag team champions from the Raw side. And as it turns out, it’s going to be the NEW tag champs, RK-Bro! After Orton hit a beautiful RKO on Chad Gable who was doing a Moonsault, Riddle was able to pick up the pin for him and Randy to pick up their second tag team championship win to a really great ovation! Only gripe I have with this: Otis and Gable’s reign should’ve lasted just a bit longer. They weren’t even bad champions either, so they really did deserve a lengthier reign!

Match 2: Tag Team Match; The Dirty Dawgz vs Tommaso Ciampa and Bron Breakker. (Rating:3/5)

Holy cow, Bron Breakker just made his main roster debut! For those that don’t watch NXT 2.0 and were JUST barely introduced to the new NXT champion via this match, oh you haven’t seen anything yet. With Breakker being the son of Rick Steiner and his uncle being Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, this young man not only has star written all over him but also has the same amount of in-ring perfection like his father and uncle respectively. Seeing him manhandle the likes of Robert Roode was so much fun to see! Him and Ciampa picked up the pinfall victory on Dolph Ziggler, which prompted Ziggler to respond with the declaration that he’d be the one to become the NEW NXT champion in the triple threat match with Breakker and Ciampa.

Segment 1: You think you know me?

Heel Edge, the real Edge: boy did I miss you. It’s been about a decade since Edge had last become the villain and just seeing him embrace that villainous side once again just takes me back to a time to the Ruthless Aggression Era in which the Rated R Superstar was the worst dude to ever grace God’s green Earth! It just shows how phenomenal of an actor Edge is. Not much was really done or said here apart from Edge thanking AJ Styles for unleashing the bad guy out from Edge but for what it’s worth: Edge being the despicable heel really makes me happy. Just please do NOT turn this man face immediately after WrestleMania.

Match 3; Women’s Tag Team Match; Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan vs Queen Zelina and Carmella. (Rating:2.5/5)

Not a bad match, nor was it that great either. It was fine, and it definitely might serve to a grander scale in a possible WrestleMania match. With Naomi and Sasha Banks forming their own tag team again out nowhere (yes, I’m aware that both women along with Tamina Snuka were Team BAD at one point in time), it would’ve been fitting for Raw to also get a new women’s tag team in Ripley and Morgan. Both women should definitely do their own things by themselves because both of them absolutely rule and deserve their own individual WrestleMania moment but with this win against the WWE women’s tag team champions, it seems that we could possibly get another triple threat tag title matches but at either might of WrestleMania with Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan being the sentimental favorites.

Final Segment: WrestleMania presents the KO Show… with special guest STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN

… Yeahhh, well this was quite the way to close the show. With Owens and Rollins losing seemingly their “only” opportunity to be at WrestleMania, KO took it upon himself to declare what his plans are: and it’s going to be a Kevin Owens Show segment with a Texas native! But with whom? We have legends such as Booker T, Shawn Michaels, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and the new WWE Hall of Famer the Undertaker: but Owens said no to all those individuals. Instead he wanted the heart and soul from the state of Texas to step up, which is Stone Cold Steve Austin. And as of writing this blog, Austin did in fact make a video on social media to ACCEPT KO’s match, and as described he would deliver one final can of whoop ass at WrestleMania! But is it going to be a match? Well, I’m not choosing a side but with how insane Mania is supposed to be this year, this may be a surprise. But what about Seth? What, or who does he get? Well, considering Raw next week will take place at Jacksonville, FL, only one man comes to mind. But again, I’m not jumping on the band wagon just yet.

Final rating:3.25/5