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WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2022

credit from: CBSSports

The first post WrestleMania payperview, and even despite there being several rematches on this card this was still a banger of a show! A new champion was crowned, a stable definitely stood strong, and an American Nightmare stole the show along side an architect! Without any further ado, let’s talk about Backlash!

Match 1: Cody Rhodes vs Seth Rollins. (Rating:4.75/5)

We open the show HOT with Rollins/Rhodes 2 and it did not disappoint whatsoever! Personally this wasn’t as good as their WrestleMania bout (excluding the return from Cody of course) but with how incredibly talented both Cody and Seth Rollins are, this also has a chance to become a match of the year with WWE. Seth stayed more on the defensive this time around and was able to counter Cody’s moves, including multiple Cross Rhodes attempts and the infamous Cody Moonsault off the top rope. Counter after counter, near fall after near fall, both were putting on a clinic. And it did almost seem as if Rollins was going to get the last laugh in an attempt to mock Cody with Dusty’s Bionic Elbow but with a sudden Cross Rhodes, Cody nearly picked up the win with Rollins kicking out at the last possible second! Ultimately, this match was won by Cody following a sneaky roll-up pin, shocking Seth in the process. It certainly seems as if this feud isn’t done quite yet and I wonder what direction they’re going to go in their third matchup.

Match 2: Omos vs Bobby Lashley. (Rating: 1.75/5)

This was… interesting to say the least. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly love both Omos and Lashley. Primarily Omos though, due to how much I think he’s improved as a solo competitor following the split between him and AJ Styles. There certainly is some chemistry between Lashley and the giant, but this was just a copy/paste match from their WrestleMania encounter. Omos dominates most of the match, Bobby gets the big man off his feet, Lashley locks in the Hurt Lock, Omos powers out of it; it was already done at this year’s Mania payperview. The only factor that brought any significant difference in this match was MVP and as expected, he got involved in the match by hitting Bobby Lashley in the face with his cane while the referee was distracted, granting Omos to hit his finisher to get the pinfall victory. I truly hope that this feud doesn’t drag on for so long either but without a doubt, this was the biggest win of the Nigerian Giant’s career!

Match 3: AJ Styles vs Edge. (Rating: 4.5/5)

Yet another match of the year contender and was certainly better than their first encounter at WrestleMania. This rejuvenated character work from Edge has truly been quite the joyride throughout the span of almost 2 months! He’s truly proven to the world that despite being an amazing babyface that the Rated R Superstar works so much better as a despicable and dastardly heel! AJ spent the beginning minutes of the matchup dominating Edge but as soon as Edge got the upper hand, the tide of the match certainly changed. Despite working with one good arm throughout the course of this, Styles was ready to put the hall of famer away with a Phenomenal Forearm until Damian Priest, who was barred from ringside, appeared on the ramp-way and distracted AJ. And it seemed as if Priest was ready to make the save for his leader until Finn Balor made the save and took care of Damian. Despite the backup, a mysterious figure dressed in all black knocked AJ off the turnbuckle while the referee was distracted, which then led to Edge locking in a Crossface to put Styles to sleep; granting him the win. Edge yet again wins his match against AJ Styles due to outside help, but who was the mysterious figure? Well, after unveiling herself, it turned out to be RHEA RIPLEY with dyed black hair! She’s the new member of Judgement Day and slowly but surely, the numbers are going to be growing in this group. What an awesomely unexpected allegiance.

Match 4: I Quit Match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship; Charlotte Flair (c) vs Rhonda Rousey. (Rating: 4.25/5)

Arguably Rousey’s best match following her return this year, no question about it. She looked like a million bucks and made Charlotte look great as well. Tensions were certainly running high and even despite how lousy the buildup for this match in particular was handled, it was worth enduring. Weapons were used, the fight was taken to the crowd at several points, it was just dumb fun I Quit match levels of wrestling. You could be able to feel and hear how much pain both competitors were in each time the referee asked each respected woman if they quit or not. While Rousey made sure to target Charlotte’s arm to successfully attempt to lock in her Armbar, Flair made sure to target Ronda’s leg to be successful in her own right to attempt a Figure Eight Leglock. The match was won by Rousey after she forced Flair to scream “I quit” by locking in an armbar through a folded chair, “separating” Flair’s shoulder in the process. And thus, Ronda Rousey is your NEW SmackDown women’s champion!

Main Event: 6 Man Tag Team Match; The Bloodline vs Drew McIntyre and RK-Bro. (Rating: 4.5/5)

This could’ve been the tag team title unification match between the Usos and RK-Bro but in all honestly this was the best direction the feud could go to; and the match itself was really fun! It was chaotic, hard hitting and heart-stopping throughout! Reigns looked absolutely beast-like and I’m glad that the injury he suffered at WrestleMania wasn’t as severe as it seemed to be. Finally we were able to see Reigns go toe to toe with Randy Orton again and same against McIntyre, but this certainly makes me want to see Roman face off against Riddle in a one on one environment in the future; possibly for one of Roman’s titles on the line? McIntyre also looked dominant in his own right by easily taking care of both Jimmy and Jey Uso, however he wasn’t much of a match for Roman Reigns (despite the buildup of him being able to hold his own against the champion). The closing moments of the match saw Matt Riddle hitting an RKO on a flying Uso which then led to a distracted Riddle being open to a powerful spear by Reigns, thus giving the Bloodline this victory.

Final Rating: 4/5