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WWE SmackDown: 4/22/2022

credit from: 411Mania

WrestleMania Backlash is nearly approaching in about two weeks from today, and slowly the buildup is starting to become interesting (mostly due to the tag title unification). We get a few more matches announced alongside with a contract signing for the I Quit women’s championship match between Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair. However how does the rest of the show hold up following the contract signing? Well…

Match 1: Xavier Woods vs Butch. (Rating:3/5)

A rematch of last week between Dunne and Woods, and honestly I really enjoyed this one just a tad bit more than the one from last week’s SmackDown episode! Even despite losing yet again to another Roll-Up, we’re slowly seeing signs of Pete Dunne still being there via the way Butch wrestles. Same attitude and the same moves, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if the way this stable sort of implodes would have Pete denouncing himself as Butch and return as the Bruiserweight. Not a bad match but Butch definitely should at least get a few wins under his belt.

Match 2: Jey Uso vs Riddle. (Rating:4/5)

Seeing Matt Riddle wrestle solo is truly a beautiful sight to experience. Two weeks away from Usos versus RK-Bro for both sets of tag team titles, and yet again it’s another singles match between an Uso against a member of RK-Bro in order build momentum for their team’s favor towards Backlash. Just as last week, Orton had to make sure that an Uso doesn’t get involved in the match by doing his famous back suplex on top of the announcer’s table. Riddle seemed to have had the match won with an RKO but unfortunately a superkick and a really gnarly looking neck-breaker was ALMOST able to keep the Original Bro out of commission. Riddle kicked out and with a sneaky roll-up, Matt wins the match and was able to beat both Usos in solo’s matches in the span of two weeks. Now it’s even more clear that the Bloodline will be getting both sets of tag team titles but I would not be disappointed if Orton and Riddle wins!

Main Event: Lumberjack Match; Drew McIntyre vs Sami Zayn. (Rating:3.25/5)

Lumberjack matches are often times more of a miss rather than a hit, however this was much better compared to most matches with this stipulation in WWE’s history. After walking out of their match last week, Sami Zayn had nowhere to run with the babyface locker room being outside and making sure no one would leave. However Zayn had his backup as he recruited the SmackDown tag champions, the Usos, to back him out. And they did, mostly targeting Riddle and Orton! Unfortunately Zayn once against left resulting in McIntyre winning yet again via count-out. Good news is that next week these two will be facing again inside a steel cage, which will be absolutely amazing!

Final Rating:3.5/5