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AEW Dynamite:3/23/2022

credit from:411Mania

It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means! It’s Dynamite time and it definitely put a LOT of focus on tag team action as there were three tag matches. The tag matches, especially the tornado tag match, were definitely solid. However how did the rest of the night go? Well, let’s find out right now!

Match 1: Dax Harwood vs CM Punk. (Rating:3.75/5)

An impromptu match that was literally announced an hour or so before the show even came on the air, yet this was the singles match that definitely stole the show. Dax Harwood is known for being a part of a top tag team in FTR with his partner Cash Wheeler, so the man’s constantly in tag team matches primarily. However he’s occasionally competed solo before but not in the quality as this match with Punk. Old school wrestling brought back in 2022, my god was it such an awesome opener; one to make their idol, Bret Hart, proud of. Punk wins via submission with the Anaconda Vice to open up the show.

Match 2: 8 Man Tornado Tag Team Match; Private Party, Butcher and the Blade vs Darby Allin, Sting and the Hardy Boyz. (Rating:5/5)

This is barely the second match for the Hardys together as a tag team in AEW and already this was their best, hands down. Seeing Darby and Jeff doing what they do best (which is performing gnarly and breathtaking bumps/spots) TOGETHER really felt special as it two generations of risk takers and daredevils sharing the same ring at the exact same time. Seeing Sting also fly around is always fun as the dude shows to have no fear, even despite his age. Darby was thrown down a flight of stairs which carried the match to the merchandise part of the arena, in which Jeff Hardy climbed up a scaffolding and hitting a Swanton Bomb onto Butcher through the merchandise tables. The match was won by the baby faces after Matt Hardy and Sting hit their respected finishers, the Twist of Fate and Scorpion Death Drop, onto Private Party for the pinfall victory.

Match 3: Tag Team Match: Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson vs Varsity Blonds. (Rating:3/5)

Really great seeing Brian Pillman Jr and Griff Garrison on tv again! Too bad it happened in the expense of the newly named team of the Blackpool Combat Club, or the team of Moxley and Danielson. With every single match, I swear the two men are getting to become much more and more not only in sync with each other but a LOT more violent against their opposition. Moxley with the Bulldog Choke and Bryan with the Lebell Lock to Garrison and Pillman Jr were able to secure the victory via submission, hopefully solidifying themselves as top contenders for Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy’s tag titles for Double or Nothing!

Match 4: Adam Cole vs Jay Lethal (Rating:3/5)

Yet again another solid match! Sucks that it’s in the expense of seeing Jay Lethal losing, though he did technically lost via shenanigans. Regardless, I just love seeing Jay Lethal going out there and put on bangers against the best that AEW has to offer and Adam Cole was the perfect opponent for the former Black Machismo to face as both men in different promotions were former world champions. Lethal seemed to have gotten the upper hand on Cole, but ReDragon causes a distraction to the referee; resulting in Cole to low-blow Lethal and drop the Boom on him for the pinfall victory. After the match, Hangman Adam Page comes out to confront Cole; resulting in a three on one assault to our AEW world’s champion up until Jurassic Express came down to even out the odds. IF the DoN matches are Hangman and Cole 2 and Jurassic Express versus ReDragon for the tag titles, then it’d be such a missed opportunity if the former Undisputed Era didn’t win all the gold.

Main Event: Tag Team Match; Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia vs John Silver and Alex Reynolds. (Rating:4/5)

It’s the first ever match for the newly formed Jericho Appreciation Society, and wow what a way to debut AEW’s new stable than by putting on a classic with another one of AEW’s top tag teams/stables in the Dark Order. Despite Jericho and Garcia winning, the MVPs were without a doubt Johnny Hungy and Alex Reynolds, mainly Silver. After a fatal shot to the back to Alex Reynolds with a baseball bat thanks to Chris Jericho, Garcia locked in the Sharpshooter; not only making Reynolds tap but also winning in a big way as the two Dark Order members were the number one ranked tag team. Such a solid main event, and I can’t wait to see guys such as Daniel and the 2Point 0 crew getting booked more proper thanks to Jericho.

Final rating:4/5