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AEW Dynamite: 2/16/2022

credit from: Sporting News

It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means: another hyped episode of AEW’s flagship show, Dynamite! Without further delay, let’s hop in and see what tonight’s show had in store for us.

Segment 1: Punk’s Decision

CM Punk and MJF 2 (well, technically 3 since Punk lost in Chicago) is going to happen at AEW’s next payperview! Revolution we’ll be getting both men competing in a dog collar match, with this one being the second match with the said stipulation in AEW’s history. Honestly, this works very well as these types of matches have both opponents basically cuffed together with nowhere to go, so it would be interesting to see what kind of strategies MJF would have in order to keep up with his prideful persona while still remaining as a cowardly heel as he does perfectly. Really impassioned promo by Punk as well, possibly the best one he’s done in a while.

Match 1: Bryan Danielson vs Lee Moriarty. (Rating:3/5)

A really great way to kick off the night with amazing action involving the American Dragon. Moriarty has also really improved in his own right, and this match shows that Lee really has a lot to offer in AEW. Danielson was able to win the match via submission and afterwards, Jon Moxley came out to basically give his answer to whether or not he’d accept Bryan’s offer in wanting to become a tag team. With a really great promo from Mox, his answer was rather ambiguous as he gave the option to Danielson. Really do hope Moxley and Danielson do become a tag team but knowing that they’re going in the direction for them facing off with each other, it’s a win/win scenario.

Match 2: Face of the Revolution Qualifying Match; Wardlow vs Max Caster. (Rating: 3.75/5)

Another non-Wardlow Wardlow match, and it was so much fun! Max Caster is also somebody that I’ve really been impressed by, especially when it comes to him wrestling by himself. Wardlow at this point is ridiculously over with the fans, the people absolutely love the big man; and he’s yet to turn on MJF and the Pinnacle! Imagine how much more over he’d get once he’s on his own? It’d be beautiful! Wardlow absolutely destroys Caster with a Powerbomb Symphony for the three count and a post match assault ensues as Anthony Bowens got into the ring and attacked Wardlow, and unfortunately for him he got taken down by a powerbomb.

Match 3: Tag Team Match; Pride and Powerful vs Chris Jericho and Jake Hager. (Rating: 4/5)

Before the match even got underway, Eddie Kingston made his way down to the ring to support his boys, Santana and Ortiz; and my goodness was the pop for his return beautiful! It just goes to show that the AEW fans truly do love professional wrestling and are fully okay with people like Wardlow and Kingston being the future of the company pretty much. With this being basically the end of the Inner Circle stable (well, at least hopefully), seeing Jericho and Hager teaming together feels right; however when it comes to Santana and Ortiz, man do these dudes really deserve to become tag team champions down the line. With a distraction by Kingston, Santana was able to floor Jericho and successfully score a pinfall on Le Champion; and immediately after the bell rung Jericho and Kingston got physically involved with each other for just the smallest fraction of time. This feud between the two is going to be amazing!

Main Event: TNT Championship Match; Sammy Guevara (c) vs Darby Allin. (Rating:4.5/5)

A really great main event that should’ve actually ended with a proper finish. Sammy once again stole the show, and what better way to have yet another awesome match for the TNT championship than competing with a former champion in Darby Allin. Both men have competed against one another in the past but personally this was the best match these two have had with each other. False finishes, hard bumps on the ring apron, these two gave their bodies for the championship and it was really beautiful. Near the end of the match, Allin had Guevara in position for the Coffin Drop but unfortunately thanks to a shot to the face with a tablet by Andrade, Guevara hit a dazed Allin with the GTH for the pinfall victory. Despite how unnecessary Andrade’s involvement was in terms of the match itself, this was indeed one of the best TNT championship matches in AEW history, especially when it comes to Sammy’s reign.

Final Rating: 4/5