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AEW Rampage: 2/11/2022

credit from: Wrestling Inc

It’s Friday night for AEW, which could only mean one thing: Rampage! After a really awesome episode of Dynamite this past Wednesday, AEW yet again concludes their week with their B show in another solid episode. So no more wasting time, let’s dive in and see what Rampage had in store to offer!

Match 1: Tag Team Match; The Young Bucks vs Roppongi Vice. (Rating: 3.75/5)

This was the match that we were supposed to get several weeks prior but due to Romero being ill, it was changed to Trent Beretta versus Nick Jackson. The wait really did pay off as these two teams have had prior history with one another back in New Japan, in which Romero and Trent ended up becoming IWGP tag team champions by defeating Matt and Nick Jackson. This was also the first time in roughly a month that the Young Bucks wrestled in a tag team match so seeing both Jackson brothers going out there and doing what they do best was such a great sight to see. The Bucks ended up winning this match via pinfall from a Meltzer Driver.

Match 2: HOOK vs Blake Li. (Rating:3/5)

It’s been a while since we last saw Hook compete on Rampage, and man I swear the dude gets better which each performance. There was a sequence in which Li went for a hip toss which Hook counted by spinning out of it and hitting a gut-wrench suplex which looked absolutely beautiful. One Redrum later and Hook is once again victorious.

Main Event: AEW World Tag Team Championship Match; Jurassic Express (c) vs The Gunn Club. (Rating: 3/5)

The Gunn Club, newly dubbed as the Ass Boys now by the fans, have had quite a win/loss record which was really impressive. Apart from a few matches on Rampage and on Dynamite, the little I’ve seen of Austin and Colton Gunn have been nothing more but great to say the least, and this feud with Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy has been done pretty well for the most part and I really hope to see more between both teams. The match was won via pinfall by Jungle Boy after he laid out Austin with Christian Cage’s move, the Killswitch.

Final rating: 3.75/5